Heraldic Resources
One thing I have found, is it’s hard sometimes to find the right resources related to heraldry when you are trying to develop your own knowledge on the subject. There are some great groups out there and material, but you might not know where to find it. My hope is that this living document of the links, books and groups will help you along the way, and be an asset when looking to find more information.
New links and suggestions will be added periodically!
Organizations devoted to heraldry
Print Books for those learning about Heraldry
Basics & Fundamental Learning
Building on the Basics
Boutell’s Heraldry by Charles Boutell
Concise Encyclopedia of Heraldry by Cuy Cadogan Rothery
A Complete Guide to Heraldry By Arthur Fox-Davis
Basic Heraldry by Stephen Friar & John Ferguson
A Dictionary of Heraldry by Stephen Frair
A Heraldic Alphabet by J.P. Brookes-Little
A Dictionary of Mottoes by L.G. Pine
The Art of Heraldry, An Encyclopedia of Armory by Arthur Fox-Davis
Heraldry Customs, Rules & Styles by Carl-Alexander von Volborth
The Heraldic Imagination by Rodney Dennys
Scot’s Heraldry: A Practical Handbook by Tomas Innes of Learney
Fairbrain’s Crest d by James Fairbairn
Armorial Families Vol 1 & 2 by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies
Ordinary of British Arms by Papworth’s
Woodward’s A Treatise on Heraldry by John Woodward & George Burnett
Royal Heraldry of England by J.H. & R.V. Pinches
The Royal Arms: Its Graphic & Decorative Development by Charles Hasler
Heraldry: Sources, Symbols, and Meaning by Ottfried Neubecker
Uniquely Canadian Books
Beddoe’s Canadian Heraldry by LCdr Alan B. Beddoe, FHSC
Armorial du Canada Francais by E.Z. Massicotte & Regis Ray
Birk’s Armorial Heritage in Canada by Hans Dietrick Birk
Canada: Symbols of Sovereignty by Sir Conrad Swan
Online reference material
The Complete Guide to Heraldry Wikisourse
Heraldic Science Héraldique by Auguste Vachon
A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry by James Parker
Medieval Armorials
Other useful resources
Online Heraldic Resources by James Dempster
The Barronage of Scotland
(Blog) Heraldry By David Appleton
(Blog) Exarandorum by Fr. Guy Selvester
Do you have a favorite link or resource that you have found online and want to share with others? Have you found that one of my links does not work?