A Gentleman Recommendation
I won’t hide it, I like to keep myself organized with lists, whether it is “To-do”, “Want-to-do”, “buckets”, “Top 10” or any other combination I have many of them, and I find they work great for me. Additionally, from time to time I get asked for recommendations on a plethora of novel items. There comes a time when we all need a bit of advice, a turn in a new direction, or gentle guidance, so I have put together some of my favorite lists and recommendations for you to enjoy and maybe pounder yourself.
Periodically I do hand the pen of authorship over to a guest contributor. You should be able to pick their work out for the mix, as they are meticulously written to meticulous perfection (I’m not a fool, I don’t let just anyone take over control for a day), and they may convey on a sentiment that you would not think I know anything about, which you are quite correct then.