Château Armscroix

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I must be making up for lost time in the world of travelling. Just home from the cruise vacation, and I was repacking my bags to head to Canadian Forces Base Gagetown for a course.  It has been some time now since I was last on a career course, so long in fact, that I can’t remember when the last one was without looking it up.  To add to it all, I have never been to CFB Gagetown so it was navigating some new territory getting here.  In all, I’ll be here for 10 days in total, and looking forward to working with some of my colleagues from across the country.

Everyone here still has smiles on their face, (well except for Tim) but I anticipate as the days go on, brain drain, and exhaustion sets in, the end photo might not be as happy. We have an awesome team on this course who all get along well (so far) and we are so thankful to be able to see each other in person and work together.  Here is just a snapshot of a few of my course-mates, mostly from Ontario but there are least one person from Eastern and Atlantic Canada representing.

Now if I could only get my body use to getting up at 0500 and getting into a cold car to travel to our classroom.  Is this what it’s like to be a student, I am feeling old right now.

Editors Note:  If it was not for the crew, who will be known as 8506 plus Alex, I don’t think it would have been as enjoyable a time as it was.  We branded together when things got tough, and there were many hurdles to get through, but we helped each other out, did an amazing job and shared many laughs during our sleepless hours.