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2022 Christmas Card

Christmas has always been a special time around my house. As I have grown older it has been less about the presents under the tree, and more about the gathering of family, and the small traditions that bring joy to people’s faces.

One of those traditions in our house is the annual Christmas Card.  Something that I started several years ago now and has flourished into this great annual event for us.  Some may ask why I do it, and why so much work goes into the concept, creation, details and mailing of a card, and the short answer is that it brings me great joy.  Indeed, I could hit the local department store, pick up a box or two of some generic cards, write out names on the bottom of each, and drop them in the mail. I don’t knock anyone who does that, because when I read those cards, it makes us happy to know that you thought of us. 

For me, the annual card must tell a story of the past year, almost a capsule of history and reflection on the memory and moments we lived.  This is sometimes surrounded or within a more Christmas-themed motif, but every card has some remnant of the year. Almost all details are well thought out and steeped in great meaning and symbolism.  Even down to the envelope material, font selection and stamps which adorn them, it all has been analyzed to make sure it fits together to make a special treasure for the mailbox.

This year’s card was no different, and the image that was created by Alexander Liptak, was an amazing tribute to our late Sovereign Lady.  To read more about the image and what was included you can check out the Christmas Card page.

We want to wish everyone, near and far a very Merry Christmas, and the most wonderful blessings for the year to come. May your lives be filled with joy and the happiest memories for 2023.